James Dowling                           Political Intrigue / Children's Books                                       3mpub.com

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James Dowling was born in New Jersey and graduated with a degree in business.  While serving with the armed forces, he stepped into the world of make-believe by writing a play for television.  After leaving the military, he worked as an accountant for an electronics company for several years before entering a world of adventure and intrigue.

James has written for two television series, as well as magazines and newspapers, and has ghost-written a book.  His labor of love came to be a series of children's books he has written on animal extinction.  James Dowling maintains that we adults have failed in our attempt to protect the animal kingdom, so perhaps the time has come to turn this serious problem over to the youth of the world, who in their wisdom, may be able to answer the question, "What has happened to all the animals?"

Divorced and now living in Clearwater, Florida, James has turned to fiction with a twinge of reality.  Tainted Image is the first in a series of six books he has on the drawing board with a focus on political intrigue.

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