Arthur Rhodes              Alternate History               Third Millennium Publishing

Swiss Pikemen

Two Great Books in One Volume!

Combined total: 356 Pages!

Photograph courtesy of 'Sir John Owens regiment of Foote'

The Swiss Pikemen

The Swiss Pikemen is the alternate history of the actual invasion of Switzerland by the Austrians in the year 1386.  Will the Swiss prove they are the greatest soldiers in Europe and defeat the much larger Army of Austrian Knights?  The men of Switzerland defending their homes have a military moral weapon……Freedom. 

Invasion England 1917

A timeless mystery. The home fleet is destroyed at Scapa Flow, Scotland.   

The Germans are poised to invade England, and evidence points to one of the five most important men in England as a traitor.

The King asks an American Naval Officer Gibbon Stillwell to find the traitor. There is conflict on the German side. Prince Rupprecht, who defeated the French, is the architect of the Scapa victory. The Kaiser's jealous aides plot to eliminate Rupprecht. Battles rage from the Atlantic to the trenches of France. Will the Kaiser win World War I?

 $7.00 Electronic Edition (both novels together)

 $17.50 Trade Paperback Edition (both novels together)


Invasion England 1917 / The Swiss Pikemen

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Page was last edited on 11/11/10 05:22:23 PM

                Arthur Rhodes

             March 1, 2003 - March 1, 2005